You guys killed it in London. Very disappointed in Camden’s inability to carry SSB to the bar though! He just got stuck at the stairs out of the pit for a while. Hope the rest of your tour kicks ass!
A celebration of the day portrayed in James Joyce’s Ulysses. There are a few references to sea shanties along the way. Or one could just use it as an opportunity to get paralytic drunk!
From the pic I’m guessing it was The SSB who fell asleep.
You would be correct
You guys killed it in London. Very disappointed in Camden’s inability to carry SSB to the bar though! He just got stuck at the stairs out of the pit for a while. Hope the rest of your tour kicks ass!
That was... a phenomenally poor performance from Camden. 😆
I know this is a late posting, but Happy Bloomsday! Guinness and Cider to all!
You too eh! Just one question: what is bloomsday?.
A celebration of the day portrayed in James Joyce’s Ulysses. There are a few references to sea shanties along the way. Or one could just use it as an opportunity to get paralytic drunk!