
As an American, I appreciate this insight. That's not something I ever would've given a second thought in terms of word choice.

But more importantly: FUCK YEAH MORE POLKA PUNK

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Yep - quite profound - word choice acknowledgement and respect ♥️... and don't think you can slip in the ole 14 days thing and think I'm not counting down - I make that 12 days now and excitement rising ... !!

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I feel like one of the struggles I have songwriting is getting away from my own experiences or getting out of my own head.

It's relatively easy to say "I feel this way because of these things" and MUCH harder to write something catchy that says "here's a story about a person or people" and have my feelings relate to it.

It sounds so god damned corny to say I or me 15 times throughout a song.

I admire anyone who can craft a song that takes me to a different place and still resonates on a personal level, and Stan was definitely a master of that.

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Oct 28·edited Oct 28

Engaging with fee fees is great from a therapeutic point of view.... but a more interesting artist can tell stories about other people's struggle that encourages listeners to not wallow in whatever muck drove us to relate to such things in the first place; or, - oh I dunno - write about other experiences in life beyond sadness, anger, bitter, yearning... negative shit. Crank up the fucking polka! "He who will not merry merry be, shall never taste of joy!"

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