Looking forward to hitting more shows in 2025, hoping for comeback of shanty nights too. Let's fucking goooo

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From Ohio: to see you originally, I had to travel to Montreal and Toronto, and both shows were incredible! Now I’ve seen you four times in Ohio, and you remain the best band ever! Never a dull moment, always fun and tons of energy. My pregnant daughter made it to the last show and is a now a true sea shanty fan.

I will never get tired of jungle Jim’s trips to the bar, the stretching and yoga sessions, and polka train!

But seriously, the new poker pit is going to be epic. Looking forward to new music.

I am a fan Forever!

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Wooooooo! Thanks so much. The yoga really is what makes the show, imho

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So happy to hear it, genuinely. I have made it to every show that I had even a SLIGHT chance of getting to, and will continue to do so for as long as they're around.

Also seconded about Captain Tom and Winzige Hosen. Second time seeing Captain Tom, first with Winzige Hosen. Song collection was on point. I like how Captain Tom forwent playing In Heaven There Is No Beer presumably so Winzige Hosen could have it on their set.

Also, ran into Jungle Jim in the bathroom and he told me the story behind the song about his breakup that premiered during the New Year's Eve party. I assume that's part of the collab with the other band members that you mentioned in a prior post. It was excellent and I'm looking forward to hearing it on the new album!

Haven't caught Apes of the State. I assumed they were metal. I'll definitely give them a listen.

Last tidbit: my 70 year old aunt who had double-knee surgery six weeks ago drove down to meet me for the New Year's Eve Polka Party, walking with a cane. She was mostly there for the sea shanties (big nautical person, like collects antiques and can cite ocean liner stats) and she was blown away by Bay of Suvla, Joli Rouge and Roll Northumbria. She asked me to text her the songs so she could add them to her playlist. But man, we got stupid drunk, and was it ever satisfying to see her belting out Polka Never Dies and Leave Her Johnny after midnight.

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The story about your aunt is so heartwarming. Thank you!

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Fuck yes!

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Looking forward to seeing more from y'all in 2025!!! And as a NC resident, I look forward to maybe seeing you down in my neck of the woods someday!!! If I ever got to see y'all play at a place like The Milestone Club or Snug Harbor, I'd die a very happy punk indeed.

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But do you get to perform in front of a glorious Circle K?

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