The more I hear about this album, the more stoked I am to hear it. Also, serious kudos on writing Foreign Skies effectively solo. That album is a masterpiece from start to finish.

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There are a couple of B- songs but most of it is good

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Navy guy here, the answer is no, submarines do not get wifi. Surface ships do increasingly often have (usually poor) internet access, but submarines can't communicate with the necessary satellites while submerged. Even if they could, they wouldn't. The point of a submarine is to stay hidden, and a constant data link creates radio emissions that are very detectable and traceable.

When the submarine is near or on the surface, it can get a signal. This is the only time when the crew has any means of communicating with the outside world. This is usually done in a big batch of emails all sent and received at the same time, to limit time spent producing emissions. So playing Call of Duty is still off the table.

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Totally makes sense! When I play my nerd WWII subsim games I have to limit radio messages for the same reason I believe. Interesting stuff. I wonder what the physics is on water blocking the Magic Internet Waves.

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No worries at all on the (relative) radio silence; I figured you were working on the new album and am happy to buy you a coffee or two in the interest of making that happen. Very much looking forward to the results!

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You're actually buying fancy microphones (with like 111 other people)

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Even better!

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URMAGURG! New music?! If chuck brown HAD kicked that football...I'm still happier

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The psychiatrist is IN

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I can’t fucking wait. Will this album feature musicians from both sets of Dreadnoughts or is it all the US-based folks?

Also, this Amiens Polka demo is amazing, and it makes me ashamed of all the songs I’ve ever recorded on my own where I play more than one instrument.

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Dec 8
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Actually sounds kind of nice if you think about it.

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You get the same at the South Pole -- the station only has internet access when the satellite passes overhead once (IIRC) a day. The data goes up and the data comes down and then blissful silence for the rest of the day, without threat of implosion or hostile activity!

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Too true. I like to imagine how much I could get done if I stopped scrolling. Then I continue scrolling. Ah well.

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