I can’t wait for this new album! I love that there’s an anti-fascist song on it; how relevant to our current political landscape in the US!

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I can make it to Asbury Park on the 12th. Would love to help out with the vocals. Will send an email as well.

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Me! Memememe! I can make Asbury Park, I live right near Asbury Park and can gang vocal with the best of them… in a vocally gang way. I can also bring the rest of Kerry O’Keigh if you find yourself short of gang vocalists. I’ll follow up on email.

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Can't wait to hear it!

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Looking forward to it. Rock on.

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If I was anywhere near Asbury Park, New Jersey I would be there like a shot... unfortunately different country...

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The incredible creative journey - from boo to KABAM to WOW...

So glad it's all coming together, sounds amazing and CANNOT WAIT!!

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Any chance of getting a sneak peak (listen) at Punkstravaganza??

Excited for the new album.

Excited for the show.

Just excited.

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Do you only want people that are good at singing ?

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I'm so stoked for this album!!

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