Whatever happened to the distribution of Polkacide - Hardcore? I was hoping to finally buy it on vinyl. Is it streaming somewhere? I really want to hear it!

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Still working on it! Some copyright permission issues with a few of the songs...

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Good to hear that it hasn't been put aside. Thanks for the update.

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Arf! Didn't mean to make sound like I was pissed. Just enthusiastic. Love y'all!

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Unfortunately I can’t find their music anywhere! I’ve tried all the steaming platforms, bandcamp, and even messaged them asking where to purchase. From what have heard on YouTube they’re fantastic.

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I am so glad you enjoyed Minnesota! I seriously entertained the idea of using a couple sick days to come up and see you, but I thought better of it, for three reasons I doubt anyone would be interested in. In any case, here’s hoping you’ll come again when you can stay a little longer! 🤩 Many of us in the Twin Cities still talk just like those people in Duluth.

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My brother lives in a Cleveland suburb. My friend in Detroit lives a few hours' drive away. And worst case scenario, I'll go by myself!!!

Already bought tickets. This show sounds like my dream. I was at the last one at the Music Box with Captain Tom and the Hooligans and it was fantastic.

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Never thought I’d be so tempted to go to Cleveland!

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