Dude I immediately thought of Goblin Humpaa as soon as Lentävä Mato started playing! I just purchased the Alamaailman Vasarat record on iTunes but for some reason all the songs disappeared from my library within seconds and all that’s left is an information screen about the band. Weird.

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Goblin Humppa I think was my first introduction to The Dreadnoughts, randomly found on Pandora or something. I think I had the same reaction to your song that you had to Lentävä Mato. "What the hell is this?? It's amazing....what else does this band do?" The rest is history.

But given this and your rendition of Säkkijärven polkka, the question remains....when will you come to Finland??

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As soon as someone offers us a show! We put feelers out but nothing comes through sadly...

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As soon as I hit play on Lentava Mato, I immediately thought "this article is gonna mention Goblin Humppa." The frenetic piano, the brief pauses, the whole energy, etc. I'm sure there are better words for what it is I'm trying to describe, but perhaps that's the whole point of Alamaailman Vasarat. There are no words.

I enjoy all the artist spotlights, but particularly this one so far. I don't know why, but this kind of stuff is exactly my speed. I'm glad you shared it.

And how dare you malign Goblin Humppa, which is one of my favorites. It's one of my greatest metrics for testing if someone's cool. I put it on in the car, and depending on the tone of their inevitable "what is THIS???", they're either super awesome or super lame. I had one friend say, "I like the way the Humppa gets louder each time and by the end everyone's yelling it." And I nodded and thought, "this guy gets it."

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Hey thanks so much. The thing with GH is that it just repeats the same parts over And over again. AV were so good at changing things up in mid song and completely warping your musical expectations. Our song is cool and I like it but it's always tough to fall short of what you want to do!

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I get that, but it's also a one-off. Trying to nail another band's sound, especially such a unique sound, in a single song is like trying to replicate a master chef's cooking in one go when you've only ever cooked for yourself. It's bound to not be perfect, but it'll probably be edible.

Now, if it were a whole album of similar songs, well, practice makes perfect, but then it's just aping what another band already does better and becomes derivative. So, when you look at GH in the context of the impossible catch-22 you put yourself in, it's great for what it is: a singular homage to a sound that had a tremendous impact on you. And that, in and of itself, is glorious.

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Maaaan, the FINNS. What is up with them and how are they so good at, like, everything? Is it the saunas?

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