We haven’t officially announced this yet—mainly because an album title still eludes us—but we are going to be releasing a new album in the next couple of months, one we’ve been working on for a little while. It’s an exciting project for a few reasons…
It’s (almost) all traditional songs! We obviously made this choice because of our deep love of
royalty-free musicthe living, breathing folk tradition.As announced in this earlier post, it is (mostly) centered on English folk, with a dash of Irish, Polish, Ukrainian and American tossed in. There’s also a noisy version of a Dreadnoughts original song in there too.
Rather than go into a professional studio together, we’ve decided to have each member record parts remotely. This has been great for several reasons; when your players live in NYC, Edmonton, Vancouver and London, actually getting together to record is kind of ridiculous, costly, and it takes forever. The sound right now is fantastic and everyone nailed their parts. Here’s a pic of Seamus on Zoom in Edmontone Studios in Edmonton:
Also, and this is the real crazy thing, I’m mixing this one myself. I’ve been working on improving my skills in this regard for a long time, and I’ve decided to take the plunge here and give this a shot. However, this does mean that I’m looking for four volunteers to join an online pre-listen party where a few of us gather online and listen to 2-3 songs from the album. If you’re a paid subscriber and want to volunteer, comment below and you might be randomly selected to join up!
Finally, the call for singers from a couple of weeks ago has unearthed five glorious singers of virtue true, who are recording their bits for a seas shanty as we speak. It already sounds super hype.
As of right now we have no plans to release this in any physical format any time soon. I know, I know, vinyl folks, this is very upsetting to you, poor dears. Look, I get it, I also have a nice record player with a high end amp mounted on a carved cherry wooden stand, and I also have the little holder on the wall that allows me to Instagram photos of whatever mega-awesome under-appreciated Norwegian Doomcore LP I am currently listening to. #vinyl #vinylcollection #iamsocool
But here’s the thing. Vinyl in particular these days is a fucking nightmare for indie artists. Due to a combination of a few greedy famous artists and mismanagement on the part of the companies, there has been and remains a minimum 9-month waiting period for the manufacture of vinyl, and that’s if you’re lucky enough to know a guy who knows a guy. Our last album, Roll and Go, had to be released months after it was actually ready to accommodate this nonsense. That was that last time we will ever do that. As an artist, I can confidently tell you that sitting around on finished music for that long is hell. You put 400 hours of work into a project, from conception to mastering, and then wait 9 extra months to release it? Eff that.
Anyway: wanna have a chance to hear it before it comes out? Subscribe, eh!
I would listen to you guys running fingernails on a chalk board, of course I would help!
Volunteer here! I trust you with my lug holes...